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Will the self-regulating heat trace cable work without a thermostat?

Will the self-regulating heat trace cable work without a thermostat?

Self-regulating heat tracing cable needs a thermostat only when there is a need to maintain a certain/specific temperature. simple answer is it depends on the heat trace application, at Canststal heat Trace solutions we encourage our clients not to use thermostats for some heat trace applications mainly the snow melt system for roof and gutter.



What is the difference between self-regulating and constant wattage heat trace?

What is the difference between self-regulating and constant wattage heat trace cables?

Generally, the self-regulating heat trace cable has variable wattage/heat output, the constant wattage heat tracing cable provide constant heat output. The constant wattage heating cable is used for higher temperature applications. The constant wattage cable provides a longer circuit length comparing to the self-regulating heating cable. The self-regulating heating cable has a higher inrush current. generally the SR heat trace cable can have water proof jacketing,  the self regulating cable can be placed inside water lines, gutters and downspouts.

How hot does the self regulating heat tape get?

How hot does the self regulating heat tape – heat trace cable gets?

The self-regulating heat tracing cable has different types,  there is a warm heating cable that can reach a maximum of 65C(150F) controlled by temperature controller. The Hot self-regulating heat trace cable can reach a maximum of 250C(482F) controlled by temperature controller. but this type of cable it can be installed and working without a temperature controllers. Canstal Heat Trace offer the self regulating heat trace tape in different wattages and different voltages it can be used for pipe and tank heating as well as used for snow melting.

Heating insulation Blanket / Heat Trace Blanket

Custom Heat Trace insulation blanket can be supplied at any size and it can have the needed amount of heat trace cable built inside the insulation blanket.

Canstal Heat Trace team can sew any type of heat trace cable to our removable heated insulation blanket, the heated blanket can be used for any industrial and commercial project.

Canstal’s custom Heating insulation blanket area suitable for an indoor and out doors, pipes, pumps, tanks, valves, flanges and other instruments.



PVC pipe Heat Trace

We receive a lot of questions asking if PVC pipes can be heat traced. Yes PVC pipes can be heat traced as long as the heat trace temperature provided doesn’t exceed the pipe exposure temperature. Picture below showing recent Heat Trace installation in Toronto area, the Heat Trace cable placement on PVC pipe must be at the bottom of the pipe, wither the purpose of installing the heat trace is a freeze protection or maintain high temperature the setpoint temperature must not exceed the pipe exposure temperature.

Self regulating heat trace cable can be used to heat trace a PVC pipe with out a a temperature controller relying on the self regulating feature to protect from the pipe from freezing.

The PVC pipe must be insulated after installing the heat trace cable.

Pipe support & pipe shoes Heat Trace installation details

It is very common to see pipe supports and pipe shoes connected to an industrial and commercial pipes, for any heat trace application wither its maintain temperature or a freeze protection an extra heat trace cable allowance must be added to the pipe near the pipe support and pipe shoe to compensate for the heat loss, this will apply for any type of the heat trace cables wither its Self regulating heat trace cable or MI heat trace cable. see the picture below from a recent project we supplied and install in Toronto area.




Heat Trace in Montreal Quebec

Heat trace in Montréal Québec

CANTAL offre un service de traçage thermique à ses clients au Canada et autour du monde.

  • Conception technique

  • Approvisionnement en produits (Câbles chauffants, moniteurs et accessoires

  • Installation

  • Commission et réparation

CANTAL fabrique des unités de chauffage à isolation minérale MI et des Câbles autorégulateurs

Selon les exigence de nos clients

Nos services et applications de traçage électrique sont:

  • Traçage thermique des tuyaux

  • Traçage thermique des raffineries de pétrole et de gaz

  • Dégivrage du toit et fonte des neiges

  • Descente des gouttières et dégivrage des gouttières

  • Chauffage du sol

  • Traçage thermique des navires

  • Couvertures de traçage électrique sur mesure

  • Fonte de neige asphalte et béton

  • Vannes et protection antigel instrumentale

  • Dégivrage de l’allée et du trottoir et fonte des neiges

  • Traçage thermique de la pompe

Visite notre site web pour plus d’information

Contactez-nous à 1.888.609.7505 ou à [email protected]

Insulation and Heat Trace for pipes

For pipe heat trace application it is required to insulate the pipe. the insulation required for two main reasons:

  • Physical protection for the heat trace cable.
  • Minimize the pipe heat loss keeping the pipe warm and save energy, having the insulation it will minimize the heat loss and reduce the needed time for the heat trace to be ON.

Insulation size and type selection is usually done by Canstal engineering team.

Picture below showing recent pipe insulation for industrial fuel skids in Toronto